NEO Brake Caliper Maintenance
NEO calipers are designed to work with low maintenance in mind. However, for any reason you need to repair your caliper, spares such as pistons including o-rings, bleed nipples, banjo bolts, retaining pins and the external rigid connecting pipe can be ordered direct from NEO Motorsport. When placing the order it must be indicated the caliper model and the piston size.
Please hire only experienced professionals to dismantle these calipers carefully for service.
Brakes Fading During Racing |
Overheating your brake fluid. |
This could be due in part to contaminated fluid or foot drag on the pedal. Flush out entire system with fresh High temperature DOT 4+ racing brake fluid and inspect all moving parts to make sure that they are behaving as expected. If you suspect pedal play consider installing a dashboard brake engagement indicator by tapping the brake lights to an led the driver can see while on track.
Undersized brake rotors or calipers |
Calipers and rotors are expected to release a great deal of heat while under the demands of track days. Be sure that you’ve got a set large enough to exchange that heat with out maxing out their capacity to contain and dissipate heat.
Failing master cylinder |
Inspect and or replace master cylinder.
Leaky hydraulic lines |
Check for leaks from caliper seals and along the brake lines. Any leaks will not only lose pressure but may introduce air into the system.
Lack of airflow |
Consider the use of additional air ducts to feed the inside of the wheels with fresh air. Aiming them at the center of the rotor and caliper will cause them to move air and lose heat much more effectively than if not given forced flow
Failing Pedal linkage |
Check pedals at all moving points and confirm operation is as expected. Grease, adjust and add new bushings and bearings as needed for a more consistent pedal feel. Consider changing any springs or rubbers to prevent sagging or unpredictable input to the car.
Warped Rotors |
When a rotor is warped it often creates a contact point that can intermittently or continuously create heat through friction. This will cause the system to overheat as well as pulsation in the pedal during breaking. Replace rotors.
Calipers not aligned with rotors |
If the calipers are misplaced friction may occur, Loosen off all the bolts and Re-align brackets, Depending on your oem parts you may want to check clearances and use shims when needed.
Brake pads worn unevenly |
If your calipers are working properly your pads should wear very evenly but you may find that sometimes they are tapered or camfered more at one end or on one side. Replace any uneven pads and be sure to check caliper alignment to rotor before allowing the next set to break in incorrectly
Residual pressure left in lines or calipers |
Check your Master cylinder and be sure to remove any residual pressure valves.
Glazed pads and/or rotors |
While it is possible to grind and sand glaze from rotors, we recommend replacing them as it may indicate an issue with the metal in the rotors or the pads used. This condition can cause the Performance Brakes to make all kinds of noises, from squeaking to grinding. It will also reduce braking performance drastically. We do not recommend reusing glazed parts.
Pedal feels too spongy |
master cylinder displacement |
All of our kits are designed to work with OEM Master Cylinders, however some people will find that larger brakes take more displacement of fluid to move the same way as stock systems. Please consider a larger master cylinder if you are using our 6-8 pot kits.
Pedal throw Ratio |
The distance per degree that a pedal moves a master cylinder is decided by the distance that exists between the plunger and the fulcrum points. It may be wise to increase pedal ratio but it is very important to select the correct pedal style for your application.
Pedal mount angle |
Master cylinders that use push rods require that vents and ports be aligned as designed. When the car is level, the angle of the master should not be more than 5° off flat. Any such angle could result in improper operation.
Pad materials quality |
Pads are available in many styles and durabilities. A pad must be matched to the application’s operating temperature range. Take some readings on the rotor temp and adjust pad composition accordingly.
Caliper Pistons sticking |
If a caliper has a pot that isn’t retracting back far enough into the block, heat will be caused and pads will wear unevenly. Rebuild calipers with new seals and confirm that all parts are free of burrs or warping of caused by overheating.
Fluid coming from calipers |
Piston seal failure |
While we choose materials that should last for years the longevity of seals depends greatly on the environments they are used in. If you see leaks coming from the caliper we recommend you replace all of the old rubber with new seals.
Piston or Caliper damage |
If after swapping your seals you continue to see leaking from your calipers there may be damage to your calipers or internals. Any scratches, warping or dents can cause an irregular mating surfaces. While they may work cold, under heavy use and with pressure building may leak once heated. Replace pistons and calipers as necessary and be sure to clear any debris before rebuilding in the future.
Air has gotten in the lines |
While brake fluid is highly resitant to compression, air is easy to squeeze. When you feel that there is some pumping needed to build pressure it’s often just air in the system. Re-bleed the system and inspect the crush washers and lines to make sure it wasn’t getting in anywhere. If this doesn’t work consider using an active pressure bleeding system.
bleed screws positioned wrong |
When bleeding Neo brake calipers the bleed screw should be pointing up so that it’s the highest point and so that any air left in the caliper will naturally travely to the highest point. If installed upside down the cavity above the bleed screw will be much harder to fill. Inspect your caliper to make sure they are properly bolted in on the correct sides with the bleed screws in the vertical position.
Undersized master cylinder |
When upsizing your brakes it is important to consider that they will have an increased displacement of fluid to fill the additional pots. In most cases our kits have been sized according to your needs but if you have selected large brakes for a small car you will have to calculate the cylinder size and consider upsizing to another car’s master to push the volume of fluids needed to get the desired feel from your neo brakes.
Broken master cylinder |
Master cylinders have many seals and diaphragms in them that wear over time. If you are losing feel in the pedal or feel the reaction of the system dwindling inspect your master immediately. If not in spec, replace it and rebleed the system.
Pad debris on rotors |
If your rotors seem to have dark marks on them, it could be due to brake temperatures climbing outside of their designed operating temperature ranges. We suggest you change to higher temp pads and have the rotor professionally lathed or replaced.
Calipers mounted poorly |
Pedal pulse can be a symptom of a caliper connected on one side and not the other. If this happens inspect all connections of the caliper to the car and between any brackets and stock mount locations. Consider the use of high temperature thread lock if needed. Be sure to check both male and female threads for adequate depth and grab and torque all bolts as defined in their instructions.
Warped Rotor Faces |
Damaged rotors can be warped when cars undergo outside forces that may impact the shape of the faces. Once a rotor warps it must be tested to see if it can be brought back into specified runout tolerances. In most cases we recommend you inspect the hats and rotors and replace one, the other or both. Using warped rotors will cause undue wear to the calipers and pads and may cause other failures. Contact us for individual replacement part pricing.
Cracks on rotor faces |
When dealing with temperatures produced by race cars all kinds of metals can develop micro fissures after lap after lap of heat cycling. Cracks that can be felt in the pedal are most likely dangerous and should be replaced immediately. Check all rotors and in the case of cross drilled or slotted systems be sure to check every single indentation for signs of cracks. Contact neo and we will be happy to help you find new rotors for your specific application.